Vintage for nasty girls

Por Laia Bonastre

We all know, girls, that buying second-hand clothing on-line and not being able to try it on is sort of a lottery. But this risk will finish because you can start buying vintage clothing safely from home thanks to nasty gal. The owner defines vintage clothing as pre-loved — which has been loved before and it is now ready to be used by you. You can find a wide hand selected range of vintage dresses, tops, coats, accessories and more — which are genuinely unique and have caught my heart. They also have a new clothing section which shares with the older its exclusive and unique character. Each item comes with its specific history, details and measurements to help you make the best choice. Prices are generally reasonable (in dollars which is better for pound users).
The San Francisco-based online shop is a welcome new addition to vintage and bohemian-celebrity style lovers’ ‘Favourites’ toolbar.

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